Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, PhD

Jennifer Langhinrichsen-Rohling, PhD
Colvard 4030
Psychological Science
Research Interests: 
Dr. Langhinrichsen-Rohling (Dr. L-R) is a licensed Clinical Psychologist and has amassed over 120 peer reviewed publications in her role as a scientist and professor. The majority of these publications focus on her longstanding interests in relationship and family violence (e.g., stalking, rape, physical abuse, and the intergenerational transmission of relationship behaviors), and adolescent risky, unhealthy, suicidal, and/or life-diminishing behaviors. Her most recent research is community-based, focused on underserved and disadvantaged populations, and occurs while integrating mental and behavioral health care into primary care and school settings. In particular, implementing, evaluating, and educating others to provide evidence-based, solution-focused and resiliency-enhancing interventions is a priority for Dr. L-R.