Doug Markant, PhD

Doug Markant, PhD
Assistant Professor
Colvard 4022
(662) 736-8450
Psychological Science
B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University in 2005
Ph.D. in Psychology (Cognition and Perception) from New York University
Research Interests: 
Dr. Markant is a cognitive scientist who conducts basic and applied research on learning, memory, and decision making. Using behavioral experiments and computational cognitive modeling, he examines how people grapple with uncertainty and take action to learn about their environment and make better decisions. In addition to basic research in cognitive science, his research focuses on applications to educational science and health-related decision making. 

Dr. Markant received his B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University in 2005 (with concentrations in Cognitive Science and Information Science), after which he worked as a research assistant in a neuroimaging lab focused on structural and functional imaging with psychiatric populations. In 2014 he obtained his Ph.D. in Psychology (Cognition and Perception) from New York University working with advisor Dr. Todd Gureckis, where his dissertation focused on computational models of uncertainty-driven information search. Prior to joining UNCC, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Adaptive Rationality within the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, where he developed cognitive models of experience-based decision making.